Payment Methods - Tatajuba Travel Experience

Payment Methods

Our Data: Holder: Victoria Zorrilla CUIT: 27 26952517 2

Banco Galicia - Current Account in Pesos - Number: 8743-6 047-2 CBU: 00700474 - 20000008743626 - Savings in Dollars - Number: 4006085-2 047-5 CBU: 00700474 - 31004006085250

Banco Itau - Current Account in Pesos - Number: 32659773018 CBU: 25900875 20326597730185 Dollar Savings Bank - Number: 32659772010 CBU: 25900875 21326597720109

-Card Visa Visa: 1 payment has 3% of expenses.

-All Payment: up to 12 installments with all credit cards issued in Argentina. Add between 5% and 18% of Administrative Expenses, according to the amount of fees.

-Market Payment: add 6% of Administrative Expenses Current promotions: